Kahlen's Caramel Bread Pudding with Vanilla Crème Anglaise
This recipe is pretty easy, except it has two sauces… it takes a bit of patients. You’ll need about 4 cups of cream. This is not health...
26 Little Letters
When children attend school and learn how to arrange twenty-six symbols into various combinations and decipher those arrangements into...

Teaser/Graphic Contest
Winner recives a $25 Gift Card of choice & a signed copy of MORE THAN FAMOUS by Kahlen Aymes INTERNATIONAL entries accepted. With the...

More Than Famous
When fame is a bitch... love is everything. Being a big star h as its perks, but Caden Carlisle is love with his co-star, Brooklyn...
Pros & Cons of Kindle Unlimited For Readers & Writers
There are a lot of strong opinions about Kindle Unlimited and I've tried it, and I've researched it, so I'm going to tell you what I...

Christmas Eve Out-take from The Remembrance Trilogy
***SPOILER ALERT!*** If you haven't read The Remembrance Trilogy, it would be my advice to read it before reading this post. There are...

EXCLUSIVE! First Chapter PREVIEW, Promises After Dark!
Bookish Temptations Book Blog has been with me since my very first book published! I'm proud to help them CELEBRATE their 3rd ...

New Releases!
TWO of Kahlen's series to get a new addition by the end of 2014! PRE-Order links below each image! Promises After Dark, (#3 in the After...

Kahlen & Colby will read for Chapter One LIVE!
Chapter One Live is a new Youtube channel where you can see your favorite authors read from their books. (Colby will also be reading for...

In the eBook world, is price all that matters?
Do you get a great deal? Or do you get what you pay for? I've had numerous conversations with authors and readers about what is fair...